It all starts with detailed planning. You plan your weather, try to forecast the route you would like to fly and eventually come up with what is called the flight plan.
If you feel like everything is consistent and matches all requirements you can start to print maps, manifests, reports, etc. In fact, this is already one of the early steps in what is called aeronautical decision making. After half an hour of printing you can go with a huge bunch of paper to the airport, being proud of the great job you have done. At latest now you should file your flight plan and hope not to be phoned by AIS and adviced to change it all completely (airway XYZ unavailable below FL 245, e.g.) or better stay on the ground. Then you say hello to your aircraft, talk to it for while, find out how it feels today.
Before you really can start flying, you have to go through a number of very special rituals.
Everything here has to follow the rules!
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© 2006 by Holger Wallmeier